To become a creative person you must be able to connect the dots. What dots? Your knowledge.
Remember The Martian movie? Just like the guy that recommended the ship to move around the earth and get the thrust so that they can go back to mars and meet the guy that was left in mars with using less fuel if they were to take a turn in the middle of the space without earth's gravity. Now IDK if that scenario would be possible in reality because I've never really understood the concept to get the thrust or whatever they were aiming to use to push the ship. If he didn't know about the gravity concept, he wouldn't know something can be done to help the situation and the movie will probably end up with them turning around in the middle of the space. So to be creative you gotta know and understand at least everything that is in line with the subject you are dealing with. In this case physics, aerodynamics, and some other things (don't quote me on this LOL).
A way to get to this stage is by having many and I mean many many knowledge on your mind. How does one achieve this, you may ask? By reading lots and lots of books, articles, and meeting new people. I remember a certain someone told me this word,
Banyak membaca, banyak mendengar, banyak melihat, dan membagikannya ke orang lain.
Read a lot, listen a lot, see a lot, and share it with others.
-Berwin from Kaskus, back in the day
Me myself I'm still trying to be consistent in doing that wise word. But yeah as long as we keep improving, it's all that matters for now. Want to be an inventor? First off you have to have a sense of looking at problems. What you can do about it to at least reduce the inconvenience it causes. Work with others, listen what they think about it and write the strategy to tackle it. Working as a group makes things much clearer because then you can see things in a different view, wide variety of experiences comes into play. While this sounds easy, sadly it is not. This is where you are going to try to connect the dots, brainstorm, so good luck. After that it's time to execute. Money sometimes comes into play also as you need every resources to make the solutions happen but this is story for another time.
Interested in being one? I wish you the best of luck.