Bad things happen in our life, whether it's from our own actions or the universe conspiracies to make you suffer. Some say we can overcome all the obstacles we find on our way to achieve greatness if we believe hard enough that we could. It's not only about how motivated we are but also what strategy and what kind of resources we hold. Both can be from the help of colleagues or our own.
Whatever is yours today, was somebody else's yesterday, and will be somebody else's tomorrow.
-Krishna, in Bhagavad Gita
Very wise words from my all time favourite philosopher. It means that we have to be grateful for what we have right now, like everything. Like, say, your clothes you are wearing right now, if it is made out of cotton, it was made by all the worms that worked hard to produce the cotton. Not knowing it will be taken from them just to fulfill humans need. Domestication. Wow this is probably too much for now but yeah you get the point. Say, your job right now, it was taken by your from the previous holder because of whatever reasons they have when it was taken and given to you. No, it is not a bad thing to be taken away, that is simply just how life works. Survival of the fittest just like in the jungle long ago but now it is much more modern. Wearing our suits, keeping our body clean and fresh, trying to get all the attentions or just want to make yourself feel good.
While this is comforting, it is not going to be with you forever. People get old, and old people get weary. Once you are weary you can't go back, unless somehow in the near future or 20 years from now we finally figure out how to stop aging. Not slowing down, but completely stop so you can use your body until you are bored of life or you hit the finally-want-to-die phase. Save that for later, probably won't happen anytime soon so just continue the life you have right now. In other words, you will get replaced or you decided to step out of the position you are in. Then it will be given to the next holder, and the cycle goes on and on and on and on.
Knowing that our life can end soon before we know it, we have to be grateful at all times. Live your life to the fullest, actually just live your life how you want it and screw everybody. Just kidding, don't screw with anybody. Listen to others, they might have something that you want and can offer you for free, though that's hard to come by. Whatever happens, stay strong. What you have right now will be gone, nothing is truly ours, learn to let it go.