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Instant Gratification

One thing I've noticed and learned throughout the year I was absence from blogging/writing journal is that things tend to fall in terms of joyfulness and you will be blinded by things that are catching your eyes more than the mundane, repetitive things. Just pure plain, different from what you thought the first time you discovered it which you probably felt like "Oh! How come I just found out about this??? I would be doing this for my entire life!!!" kind of words.

    Excitement. Novelty of things that are completely new. They often shine right off the bat but when you don't really have or set a goal/achieving something out of it you will be doing it lesser, lesser, and lesser, up until the point you don't even want to see or hear the name of it. Especially if you are like me, who is easily bored with stuff that I just can't see where would I be going/what I can gain in a very short time. Similar feeling to learning or do subjects that you are told and forced to do. Rejection from you heart.

    By the way, it's nearly a year since the last time I posted here so I'd like to give a warm hug to any of you reading this. I've been okay. Stuff happened and I had to choose which one I'd like to keep my hands on for a good amount of time. No promises this time, although I don't recall as of writing this that I've ever said I will post every week, which basically what I did last year. So yeah, I'll try to keep in touch with my mind, reading, writing, but also enjoy the time while I'm still alive and well.



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