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During my puberty, I could barely see any difference in terms of physical changes; comparing to my friends, especially girls. I'm friends with my junior high school till senior high school girl friends pretty much every one of them so I would  always meet them at a certain event or just when hanging around. One of the biggest changes that I notice is that their hip would look more structured. Like when they walk, their hips weren't used to be that "left-right-left-right" type of moving. They used to looked straight as in no curve whatsoever on the left and right side. Years after, I understand that those were probably vaginal bones since, well, they are women, they're gonna give birth so they surely will develop those bones. Or they have, but just not that developed. IDK. Breast, well, I can't really say much on this; but during elementary school, some of my friends have already grown their things and that's probably the first time ever I asked to my parents, "What the heck just happened to Samantha??? She had like a little bumper on her chest and the boys in my class were confused." Samantha was the first to develop her things and, shortly after, our school launched an event that talks about puberty and such to the students. Pro gamer move, thx school.

    Me? I couldn't see one bit hair starting to grow on my body like moustache, beard, armpit, even in Alexander's area (yes, I named him Alexander. Cool guy, you should meet hi-NVM. Anyways,). I really couldn't tell so I just leave them grow on their own pace. Like me when facing life's problems. JK. Alas, it all ended in 2021 when I woke up one morning and I felt something on my chin after washing up my face. I thought that it was some kind of fabrics from my clothes or something, but it wasn't! It was hair! First thing that I did was took a picture in front of the mirror and send it to my sister. LOL. I guess I'm still that childish and reactive. It feels kind of weird at first. In my hometown, people would call it as "goat's beard" cuz the goats around here are all having the same themed style. Only consisted of one to three hairs but it's a long one and usually white colored. Hours later, my sister replied and said, "Congrats??? IDK what to say." Exactly the reaction I had expected. I'm a fully grown-man now, or almost, until this bad boy is fully grown as well.

    Hours after that big incident, it was already night time. Time for some web surfing and catching up with online friends. When I was surfing the internet, something caught my eyes. It was an article about reverse aging. "Oh wow" was my reaction. Just this morning I've grown one hair and on the other side of the world someone is trying to come up with something to stop or even return it back. I read through it and felt the need to look for more.

    This is exactly the moment when you feel like you are dumb after you found something that makes you wanna find out more about that certain something. Paradox. I looked through YouTube and found my favorite channel, Veritasium. He would always explain in a clear and concise way and has been doing it for over a decade! Crazy if I must say. In short, it is possible to stop or even reverse the aging in our body. Probably a fact that most people would wanna hear or read; but there's a catch. I won't explain it in details here but if you wanna check it out you can search it with "How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)" keyword. Thank me later. But then, a new problem would rise such as, "What if we keep on living in this world and don't die? The earth would be overpopulated." And that's story for another time.

    With that in mind, I think that aging is a good indicator that your body is "growing" physically even though it doesn't always reflect with your age. It's a good time to take a reflection on how long we've been living in this world. When our hairs are getting white, our legs would feel worse when we take a walk, etc. Enjoy the moment and keep smiling :D



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