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Dreams n Aspirations

I want to build a library or a coworking space that can fulfill the needs of many people that want to study or work but can't because there are not that many places open for 24 hours, and free, to top that off. Feel me as a student; can't be having to spend additional expenses for a drink (?) or a snack (?) that is usually unnecessary. Not counting the sugar and other health aspects that may come together with that. Although, of course, you can always exercise more to get rid of those substances and it's good for your body to workout more often. You are going to reap the sedentary life that you sow today if you don't.      It would be a huge achievement for me and I think that's what people call as virtue ? This could even be my biggest achievement I can imagine yet. The dream comes from my habit of working something in a quiet, chilly, and comfortable place. I can't find it in most of the coffee shops in my area. I could find them in coworking space! And publi...
Recent posts

a Sense of Belonging

Why do people care less to something that's not their own? Something that's not in their possession? Something strange, something unfamiliar to them? Most of the time, it's because they don't have a sense of belonging . No attachment whatsoever. A sense that makes you have some kind of a bond. If it's not theirs, why would they care in the first place? Why would YOU want to take care of something that you've never seen before? Just imagine that. Except, of course, you have a long history (or short) with the thing and your mind is telling you not to ignore if something ever goes wrong. Now you can stop your wondering on why do public facilities look or feel terrible most of the time. At least in my country/city. Mostly, but not all. Poor soul.      Now, if somebody were to be treating someone else's car or trash bin "unintentionally" like how the owner wanted, the owner would go rage mode. Berserk. People would cut ties even among families just beca...

Pidato Wisuda yang Tak Tersampaikan

Baik, terima kasih kepada panitia arak-arakan bulan Mei atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan.      Yang terhormat, ibu Ir. Shinfi Wazna Auvaria, S.T, M.T selaku Ketua Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan UINSA, ibu Ir. Sulistiya Nengse, M.T selaku Sekretaris Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan UINSA dan Pembina Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan UINSA, saudara Fakarrudin Rafi, S.T (amin), menyusul, selaku Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan UINSA, saudara Ferdika Naufal, S.T, menyusul juga, dan rekan-rekan Env beserta keluarga kita semua.      Sebetulnya, cukup sulit untuk meresumekan atau menyimpulkan pengalaman selama saya berkuliah di kampus kita tercinta, UINSA SBY.      Teknik Lingkungan. Jurusan impian saya sedari kelas dua SMA. Timbulnya keinginan tersebut berawal dari keinginan mulia masa muda. Yaitu, daerah tempat di mana saya tinggal, di Tangerang, yang kalau malamnya hujan lebat, pasti besoknya bolos sekolah. Bukan karena nakal. Ya...


Jendela dunia Begitulah orang berkata Apakah itu? Yap, betul. Itulah buku Buku menjadi pelarianku Di saat sepi, ramai; duka, riang Kondisi apapun, sepertinya cocok saja Tergantung dengan tema dan topik, lagipula Seperti jendela, memang benar Ia dapat membawamu pergi Jauh, jauh sekali Pergi ke suatu tempat Hilang Tak akan ditemukan Hanya aku yang dapat menemukanku Aku seorang Buku-buku dikumpulkan Di sebuah muara Muara ilmu yang dalam dan luas Per-pus-ta-ka-an Tentu saja bukan hanya aku seorang Yang haus akan ilmu Sehingga, mereka pergi merantau Ke tempat sakral itu Namun, tidak semua menghargai Menghargai tempat sakral itu Ada yang berbisik, berbincang Bahkan, bersenda gurau! Jelas tertulis di dinding Di banyak sudut dinding "Tidak boleh berisik", "Harap tenang" Kesal aku. Sangat kesal. -Surabaya, 26092023.


Hari ini, di McD Kupesan Ice Cone dan McFlurry Vanilla dan kopyor Rasa baru sepertinya Kududuk di pojok Pastinya dengan colokan Agar cocok Namun, tanpa password Wi-Fi Hari ini, tak seperti biasa Karena, HPku rusak Satu-satunya alasanku Ada di sini, di McD Teller memintaku untuk Menunggu selama satu jam penuh 10.15 hingga 11.15 Itu artinya, satu jam penuh! Kulihat ke arah kanan Terlihat kasir sedang sibuk Sebetulnya, ini belum waktunya makan siang Melainkan, waktunya sarapan! Walaupun, sebetulnya, sudah lewat juga Terlewat jauh malah! Dari yang kulihat, Hampir semua yang datang Memesan satu hal yang serupa Satu hal yang kekal Sepanjang masa Dessert ! Aiskrim kalau kata orang Malay Mengingat aiskrim, aku rindu Rindu dengan rasa roti es ala Singapura Rasa roti itu, sangat sederhana Sederhana, namun tersimpan banyak cerita Akan aku jelaskan! Roti yang digunakan adalah Roti tawar Dilipatlah roti menjadi dua lapisan Di antara kedua lapisan itu, Disisipkanlah sebuah cita rasa Yang mirip deng...

Do It Not to Prove, Do It 'Cuz You Can!

Often times we do things because we want to prove to everyone that we can do what we've always wanted. That's just wrong in my book and that's something I've been avoiding in a  while. You should be do things because you want to do it. Screw anybody. Their opinions don't matter (the negative ones). Negative opinion and critics are different.      This can also be determined by your ideals and values . Maybe you like to impress people; maybe you don't. Maybe you don't want to show your true self; maybe you do.  Seeing people around me, well, not most people, they usually want to have a high social credits. Or maybe their self esteem cuz they are lacking it. We want to be seen as  a helpful person or of value to the society. Which is great on its own. But, when you do it to make people "accept" you, that's a different story. Why bother? Adios!

Parting Apart

I want to say I'm sorry, but I can't. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic guy. I really love her, so much. With all my heart. Every night, it's a battleground in my head. Whether to forgive myself and just move on, or there are other layers that I have not yet discovered. I really want her to come back. Maybe it's true, love does not have to have . I want her to shine. She's a diamond of her own league. She's cute. She's my smile. She's everything for me. Now I'm getting emotional ahaha.      My sense of romance isn't getting any better as the day goes by. Practice ? That's probably the word. I need to do it. It's just, I couldn't understand her. I mean, I do have a sister. I should understand her a little bit; woman's world. Maybe much. But, like people say, everyone is unique. She's special.      I hope that she's smiling everyday; I know she's a tough one. She's an independent woman. Knowing that everything's...